Friday, May 7, 2010

Hanover Helpers

One of our summer volunteers from 2008, brought down a group from his school for a trip over their spring break. They are on a trimester system, so that is why the spring break was at the end of April. Last year, they built a house in Mexico, and this year's plan was to visit and do work at several mission sites. We were going to do the roof of building 5 on campus, paint the new youth room at Santisima Trinidad, paint the exterior of San Pedro & San Pablo, and finish the week laying some floor tile in the bathrooms at San Lucas in Anapra.

We did get the roof done, got some of the youth room painted, and boy, did we lay a lot of tile, just not where we planned. After a couple of particularly violent days in Juarez, and because we said we would take action as needed, we chose to keep the group stateside for Thursday and Friday. Nelson actually finished up the painting for us, and the tile will still be waiting for us later in San Lucas, the safety was more important.

So a very gracious member of the group chipped in to help buy some tile and we began laying new VCT vinyl tile in the dorms. The goal was to do the front room, but after that was finished on Thursday, another donation was made and the hallway was planned for Friday. This group was determined to finish what they started, and actually worked until 2AM on Saturday trying to finish. What little was left was finished up by Erin, Myself, and a couple youth from San Pablo that came the next day for the congregational servant event.

The group spent their arrival Saturday shopping, and enjoying a Mariachi San Pablo performance in San Elizario at the celebration of the real first thanksgiving. Go ahead, research it, you'll see. Before they could leave for the fun, they were very helpful in corralling a couple renegade dogs that continue to find ways to escape. Luckily, they knew Jason and Bobby from last year, so they went to them, and went to their yard.

Enjoy the pictures, happy Mothers Day to my mom, and all the mom's that read this blog, and don't forget to boycott Arizona.

Jason and Bobby, rounding up the fence jumpers, luckily there is no stupid law here that put the doggies in jail for illegally passing the fence.

Bobby with his buds.

Demo of number 5 roof

Lauren demoing Vicky's roof.

Sharon modeling some new boards we put in to replace rotted or damaged ones

Team the end of the day, Bobby was a cutting pro

Ruby and Joana helping sand at Santisima. We had to do a little touch up before painting

Jason painting the trim Silent Delight. I have decided I am coming out with my own paint line called Man Paint. Colors such as football field green, medium rare steak red, and infield brown. I am tired of the silly color names like Silent Delight and Perfectly purple. grrrrrrrrrr

Roberto with a second coat of compound on the ceiling

I always have to leave my mark

Since they finished shingling by lunch, they helped out in the warehouse getting ready for Saturday's food distribution. Here they are shucking some sweet corn.

A bunch of little bags of beans that they broke down for each food basket.

Since we didn't go to the market, the market came to them. Bobby got a little carried away.

Cutting tile for the floor

Team tile

Erin spreading some VCT adhesive. Not as sticky as spray insulation

Working down the hallway.

The almost finished entryway. It now has cove base and a divider between the brown and white tiles.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that week! I love looking back and seeing what you all did while I graded my papers and cleaned Chris house! Good to see Jason again, and to meet his warm and friendly group!

    Word verification word sentence: frienza (used two ways): Mom was in a great frienza when she went to clean the house, but Chris' frienza was full of dust! (Couldn't decide!)
