Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dusty Trail

Lots of changes are going on to the mission buildings this year. You may have read about our goals to revitalize the buildings on mine or Erin's blog, well #3 where I live has been a recipient of some improvements. First about a year ago, Erin and I put down a new tile floor to replace the carpet that was damaged by the dogs. Then a few weeks ago, it received a new roof. The bathroom remodel was talked about just a couple blogs ago, and then this week, since Kristine is here, we knocked out the task of painting the living room. Kristine is our summer volunteer from last year and she came down for a relaxing spring break from school. Also, this afternoon, a couple from Albuquerque is putting some new tile on the bathroom floor. I will post pictures of that later. Tonight we are having a barbecue and tomorrow getting materials ready for the group that arrives on Friday.

You may recall that I have a lovely goddaughter now, who is growing so fast. It is awesome that every time I walk into the office, she smiles at me and wants to come be held by me. I have a feeling that pretty soon her "nino", easier for babies to say than padrino, is going to be wrapped around that little finger. There are some pics of her with her "nino and nina" below. Have a great week.

Erin and Kristine relaxing in the newly painted living room

It's called dusty trail, and it really matches the colors of some leaves on the couch pillows

I have a picture like this when she is little and she just stayed on my stomach, now I have to kind of hold her there.

With her "nina", we almost got one of her beautiful smiles.

On her special seat.


  1. vivi is getting bigger...
    jaden loves me when i swing him...

  2. She's bigger than she was even just a few weeks ago. So beautiful! Love and hello to Kristine! AND, MOST IMPORTANT, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ON YOUR HUGE ANNIVERSARY TOMORROW! WATCH THE MAIL. Love, Mom

  3. Oh, and hi to Erin, too. And the room looks awesome -- I won't miss that pink stuff!
