Friday, July 24, 2009


So I bet you might be wondering about the title of this blog. A while back, my mom told me that when she was a teacher, her ESL (English as a Second Language) students that were from Chihuahua Mexico called it Chihuas. Instead of 2 hua hua, they just made it plural. I tried to explain it to Erin when I said it earlier in the week, and I think she got it, so hopefully you will too.

Chihuahua City was were I spent the last week. Erin and I went there to interpret for a eyeglass clinic. I have been several places in Mexico, but never Chihuas City. We, along with a group of 12 from Illinois, Michigan, and Virgina stayed at Hotel Tovar. Actually it was in the parsonage and the house of Pastor and Blanca Tovar, but it was so nice, I kept calling it Hotel Tovar all week.

There was a small mix up with travel schedules of the group, so Erin and I actually got there with a full day on Saturday open. That worked out really good because we spent the better part of the day walking around the city. I would guess we had to have walked at least 5 miles, and I enjoyed every minute of it. What a great city it is. I would totally stay there forever if I could. Lots of parks, museums, old buildings and memorials to see, and we saw the better part of them, at least what was in walking distance.

Of course Blanca prepared amazing food all week, so it was probably good that we did a lot of walking on Saturday, and some other times during the week as well. Half of the MOST team arrived on Saturday, but due to weather, the other half missed the connection and didn't get in until Sunday night.

Monday through Thursday were spent at a local adult communtity center holding an eyeglass clinic. I was situated at the dispensing station where we would attempt to help the attendees find glasses for both distance and reading. We had 3 stations there, as well as a nurse station to check for eye problems, a reading test, distance test, fitting, and evangelism. After the 4 days, 804 people were blessed with improved eyesight. Today was spent on the bus coming back and getting caught back up in the office. Enjoy the pics and have a wonderful week.

Pay bathrooms in the Juarez bus station. I got in trouble for taking this picture.

Fountain inside Pancho Villa's house. There was a big museum there. It was cool.

From outside the museum. This was the house that he lived in. It is really big.

This is the car he was assassinated in, on July 20th 1923. We were actually their on the anniversary of his death.

See the bullet holes?

More bullet holes in the back.

The plaque by this machine said it is for removing corn from the cob. Pretty big machine.

This is a tunnel, that went underground downtown Chihuahua, to the Cathedral I think, which is about 20 blocks away.

Cool murals in one hallway.

More of the murals

At least one of them are presidents, but I think more are.

A cool fountain that we walked by.

Some gazebos in a little square by the big cathedral.

Fountain by the cathedral.

Big cathedral in downtown Chihuahua City.

More of Pancho.

I thought this was cool, there is something similar to it in Juarez. I think each big stake represents someone who was murdered, and they are asking for "ni una mas". Not one more.

Another memorial, next to the one above. I think it may be one for each killer?

Pancho mausoleum. His body was actually moved to Mexico City to a cemetery or something for heroes of the revolution.

There was a cooking school in Chihuahua City.

Another statue of Pancho. This has flowers on it because it was the anniversary of his assassination.

Our great nurses, Kim and Shirley.

Me talking to one of the attendees. This is actually the best picture of me working.

Our group. Most eyeglass team #929

Me helping Erin onto this half staircase. Our original plan didn't work.

Since the original plan didn't work, she just decided to hang out for a while.

Me wearing some hot pink shades. There are actually a bunch of pictures of me in goofy glasses, but this will be the only one you get to see.

Erin got interviewed for the local news, we watched it, she did great.

A couple times, some older gentleman also put on goofy glasses. This is my favorite.


  1. I enjoyed every minute of our self-guided walking tour too. I think the Pancho museum is still my favorite part, especially that tunnel. How cool would it be if they actually let you crawl through it? I don't think Carly went with them when they went but I'm sure that would have been her favorite part.

    P.S. Pink is your color.

  2. What a fun blog this week. It takes me back so many years -- I was in Chihuas in 1993 -- first and last time (so far)! Some day OFLC will get a trip together for their.

    The pictures are great -- both of the city and of the eyeglass clinic! I'm so glad you two got a chance to go -- and it''s nice to see that Erin had some time for just "hanging out."
    Love, Mom
