Saturday, July 11, 2009

Records were made to be broken

Who would have thought that during the hottest week of the summer so far, the record would fall for quickest house building. It used to be 3 1/2 days from start to complete, which would be the last coat of joint compound sanded on the drywall. This week, a great group of 7 people from West Bend Wisconsin shattered the previous record. For ease of communication, I will say it was done in 3 days, however it was more like 2 2/3. These were regular work days, no extra time spent working late, or starting too early. We usually started around 8:30 and finished before 4 each day. I was amazed at the energy and desire this team had to succeed.

Unfortunately, the size of this group had also shrunk due to the concerns over violence in Juarez. As basically every group before them, they had no fears at all after being here for a couple days, and were very dissapointed in how it being portrayed in the media. They all felt extremely safe and comfortable, and truly enjoyed doing His work for a wonderful family.

Due to the quickness of the build, they also built a bench for the family to sit on outside the home, took a trip to the Mercado Juarez, and had a nice relaxing siesta Friday afternoon. We celebrated the birthday of one of the group members at Andale Friday night, and returned back to the campus for some of my homemade apple pie that I had hinted to them about all week.

Even though the thermometer topped 100 each day, it was still a great week doing God's work. Anyone want a leftover piece of pie? I put a couple pics of Ninja and Bear at the end of the blog because I like them, and everyone likes to show pictures of thier kids right? Mine are just of the dog variety. Have a great week, talk to you soon.

Oh, PS, San Pablo won an award, I am going to steal Erin's blog and post it so you can read about it if you don't read her blog. Thanks Erin,

Cutting the last piece of siding for the last wall. This was before lunch ;)

I like this picture. It is looking out the framed window in the back of the house, and I just think it is a good picture, so I put it here.

Brenda and Hugo selecting colors for the house. After lunch on Monday, we knew we would have time to paint it. Basically, Erin and I got every color of paint card at Lowe's and she put them on key rings by number and now we show them to people we are painting for so they can choose exactly what they want and do have to say something like coffee brown, or milkshake brown.

Karen, the leader of the group helping to put the last couple rafters up.

After day one, all walls, rafters, and roof plywood. No wonder Kristine and I were tired when we got back to the mission.
The group out front after day 1.

Cutting some drywall to be hung by the door.

More drywall hanging.

Me tickling Jennifer. I asked her like 10 times if she was my amiga, and she kept saying no. Her mom tried to help the cause, but no luck :(. Maybe some day.

The excellent roofing crew, and they barely have any tar on them.

Texture too.

Me painting the "man room". The other room was pink, so Derek (the only guy from their group in Juarez) and I stayed away from that paint.

Kristine, Emily, and Becky did the second coat in the man room, nice contrast from pink room to blue room.

From blue room to pink room.

The happy family. Hugo, Brenda, Jesus, and Jennifer

Panchis, Kristine, and I. Panchis was in the middle, but I thought that would look weird, so we tried this. I kind of like this picture though.

The group, Kristine, myself, and the family.




  1. Why sure, I would love a leftover piece of apple pie. Nice made-up shades of brown too...I think your house is more of a hazelnut though ;)Think anyone is ever going to beat THIS record?

  2. That's some kind of amazing work those folks got done this week. I would love to paint rooms pink and blue, and the outside whatever color. Maybe next time our group can work a bit faster! AND THANKS for putting my Grand-dogs in the blog. I love them too.Can't wait to see them in a couple weeks. Save me some pie!! Love, Mom
