Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mission Trips

When most people think of a mission trip, they think about going somewhere (like YLM) to serve. The mission trips I am speaking of involve Erin and I leaving the mission to talk about it. You may remember my previous blog about going to Canada, and now we have another trip to Wisconsin scheduled.

You may remember Erin's winning photograph through LCMS World Mission's facebook page. Well, part of the winnings were hosting a mission fair. Since hosting such a fair at San Pablo may be futile, we asked a church in West Bend Wisconsin (St. John's) if they would like to host one. They accepted and they actually usually hold their own the Sunday after Easter. So we will get to have a YLM table at their mission fair, and then later that evening, we will be doing a Mexican Fiesta dinner, and speak about YLM in the hopes of generating excitement for them to send another team here.

Since West Bend is near Chicago, and Erin is able to do some LBT stuff there, I am going to tag along and check out a city I have never been to for a couple days. Hopefully, I will get to see some friends from St. Paul Mt. Prospect, who was here last week (blog coming soon), and enjoy the sights of a new city for a couple days. Please pray that the trips go well and for safe travels.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like some great opportunities for you and for the mission! Get the word out and God will do the rest.

    Hope you know I'm arriving at the Mission on May 3, and you're coming back from Chi-town that day??? So, I have my key, and will let myself in -- right? Then, I'll see you when you get there! Love you, Momma
