Thursday, March 31, 2011

Amigos de Ysleta

Amigos de Ysleta is a new adventure to help create sustainable funding for YLM. It is a program that is almost exclusively run by regional leaders to take some fundraising things of the already busy staff. There are several phases planned, but the first phase recently rolled out in Colorado in connection with a Mariachi San Pablo concert. The first phase is to seek out monthly donors with a minimum contribution of $10.00 each month from a bank account or credit card. Plans are underway to roll this program in other regions, and implement other ideas. Once one becomes an Amigo, they will receive a special password for the Amigos store, where they will be able to get Amigos gear that is made exclusively for Amigos.

For more information, check out or

1 comment:

  1. Actually Amigos was rolled out for folks at all the Colorado Concerts on that tour (4 of them!). We are hopeful that you guys are having some results, and Mike and I are planning a conversation soon with Fort Collins about next steps. I need to join Amigos when I'm there for the board meeting.
