Thursday, February 3, 2011


Remember in my last post, I talked about starting to read the 900 page Don Quixote? My goal for the weekend was to finish it, and then be able to put up a blog saying I finished. No such luck. I got sidetracked with other things, but I have finished one third of the novel, so maybe a couple more weeks and I will be done.

Hope everyone is staying warm during this snowpocalypse.

Snowpacalypse as defined in the Urban Dictionary:

A weather condition in which the amount of fallen snow, while not really such a big deal, wreaks havoc on a city, effectively shutting it down and leaving its citizens stunned and unable to see any sign of hope or a return to normalcy. It's perceived much like the aftermath of a nuclear event, but really... it's just freakin' snow!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't finis Don Quijote in one weekend, but I know you WILL finish it. And I loved your SNOWPACALYPSE definistion. Seems to have happened to EP this week from the newspaper article. Love you, take care, see you in 12 days!
