Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sweet Corn and Bacon Sundaes

The second group of the first week of summer servant events came from Trinity Lutheran in Lincoln, Nebraska.  Usually this group comes during the spring, but they hoped to get more youth involvement, so scheduled a summer trip this year.  The original plan was to do a medical clinic and build a house, but their doctor was unable to come on the event so the planned clinic became a Vacation Bible School instead.  In Juarez, the children attend school until the end of June, so the attendance was not as large as it could have been (averaged about 30 per event), but it was still a good time.

The group did morning and afternoon sessions at mission San Francisco on Monday and Tuesday, and then just one afternoon session at San Pedro y Pablo because school hours run a bit different out there.  The house site was also near San Pedro y Pablo.  This time, instead of using the covered porch at the actual mission site, the VBS was held down the street at a center that provides meals and other outreach events to the families in the area.  Puppet shows were popular, as were the crafts.  Pastor Hernandez opened each session with some songs and let the group take over from there.

Last year, some members of the group sent a package of Nebraska sweet corn to the members of Mariachi San Pablo.  They asked me to prepare it for them, and when I did, they ate it all.  That was kind of a bummer.  I asked one of the guys coming to bring me some this time, and he said he would bring enough and we could have a corn fest with the Mariachi after their rehearsal that week.  I told him I didn't like that idea because last time I got no corn.  He promised I could have first pick, but I still told the Mariachi I was not sharing.  He ended up winning and the Mariachi got corn, but I got mine too. It was good, but I had to call Mark out and make him promise to actually send me some real Nebraska sweet corn in a few weeks, because what they brought was not grown in Nebraska.  True Nebraska sweet corn is not ready usually until the 4th of July, so I am looking forward to that.

As you know, bacon is the world's most perfect food, and during this week, Burger King came out with bacon sundaes.  A couple guys from the group thought they had potential, so on the way back from Scenic Drive with Hope Lutheran, we stopped and ordered 10 bacon sundaes.  The lady in the drive made double sure we really wanted 10, and we indeed did.  I guess we were the first to order them, even though they had been available since Monday (this was Wednesday night).  Yes, they were AWESOME.  

It was fun to have Trinity here again, and we will see what great things they come up with for next year's trip.

Pastor Hernandez singing Alabare

The youth leaders of VBS

Making nametags

They brought cases of baby clothes and passed them out the neighborhood at both locations

Darlene and her clothes

They got some good stuff for the new baby

New Friends

Our long time friend, Genesis

Watching the puppet show


Handing out stuffed animals

Some of the stuff they brought

Some construction photos

Enjoying the sweet corn

Laying hands on the house

Team Nebraska

House blessing

Handing over the keys

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