Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One down, A LOT to go

Well, it has started. Last night I attended my first online class through Concordia University in St. Paul Minnesota. You may have read in a previous blog that I was going to be attending school and about my plans. If you need to refresh your memory, just scroll down a few posts and you can get caught up.

The class is called Communication Fundamentals and we meet in a 45 minute "weekly chat" where we can have questions answered about the assignments and talk about the class in general. The meat of the classwork is held in discussion boards. It looks like each week, we do 2-3 posts about our own lives and thoughts, and then we also are encouraged to reply to posts of our other classmates. It looks like there are 13 other students in this class, and all but one of them is older, like me and are changing careers or just looking to finish their education.

I got all my homework done for the week last night, but I was nervous. I am sure if I was a little more patient, I would get it, but I didn't understand something and got worried, because this is supposed to be the easy classes. Luckily my mom and Erin were able to help me figure it out, and the professor even commented that I had a great explanation. (that one I did on my own without any help :).

So, I ask that you continue to pray for me as I continue to follow this path I felt called to, and I will continue to post updates as I go. For now it is just communication fundamentals, and then on March 4th I start college writing as well.


  1. I am glad that your first day of freshman year went well :) I will pray for you, and you're totally right about that whole being patient thing...it's finally my turn to tell you. It will all make sense, just don't make things more complicated than they are.

  2. I am proud of you and do not give up. You will be fine.

  3. Estoy de acuerdo con tu papa y Erin!
